How long does it take from
bay to Ninh Binh, when you
need to get to Ninh Binh from Halong you need to know
the distance and time as well as geographic features
here to actively arrange your transport.
The road from Halong to Ninh Binh can be divided into
some different routes. Specifically:
- The first route is about 133km long, from the
territory of Quang Ninh Province, you go along the
National Highway 18, from here you go straight through
the Rung ferry, follow the road TL 359 and TL 351. Then
go straight in the direction of National Highway 10
through Thai Binh province, Nam Dinh province to the
territory of Ninh Binh province.
- The second route is about 128km, from the territory of
Quang Ninh province, you go in the direction of National
Highway 18 and turn into QL10. From here, go straight
through the territory of Hai Phong city, Thai Binh
province, Nam Dinh province to the territory of Ninh
Binh province.

When you drive yourself remember to follow the traffic
law, drive the right lane and speed to avoid penalties
and you should also find out
how far from Halong to Ninh
Binh for the best preparation.
Also, if you don't have a car or motorbike, you can
choose a passenger bus for the journey. There are some
buses from Quang Ninh to Ninh Binh such as Hoang Long,
Vu Ngu, Hai Thang. Bus fares from
Halong city to Ninh
Binh is about 120,000 to 250,000 VND (5-11 USD)
depending on the quality of the bus.
With wild nature, charming scenery, Ninh Binh is now one
of the famous destinations in north Vietnam. Therefore,
on the way from Halong to Ninh Binh you can not miss the
scenic places.
Visitors can travel Ninh Binh in all seasons of the
year, however the best time to go is from January to
March on lunar calendar. In Spring weather in this place
is not too cold or too hot, especially tourists can
combine a holiday with visiting temples, pagodas. In
addition, in late May and early June is the time of rice
season in Tam Coc, which is very suitable for tourists
who like to take pictures.
Famous tourist spots in Ninh Binh include Trang An
tourism complex, Tam Coc cave - Bich Dong pagoda, Thung
Nham bird sanctuary, Cuc Phuong national park, Bai Dinh
pagoda, Phat Diem cathedral.
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